Wellness Workshops/Classes
Learn by doing
Mind Body Studio
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Wellness Workshops & Classes
We often leave a healthcare provider’s office with suggestions of what we need to do or need to change to feel better. However, doing things differently is often easier said than done. This is where we come in.
The workshops and series classes at Healthwise integrate mind-body education with practice so that you can “learn by doing.” Not only do we provide you with the necessary knowledge and skills, but our studio space allows for active learning (practice).
Our studio offers an opportunity for you to learn mind-body skills that can help you to better manage difficult emotions, ward off stress, calm your anxiety, tame your inner narrator and boost your mood.
As evidence-based practice is at the core of our services, our focus is on skill building that works. Our workshops will teach you what to do and how to do to it. You are supported and guided as you create the change you need.

We often leave a healthcare provider’s office with suggestions of what we need to do or need to change to feel better. However, doing things differently is often easier said than done. This is where we come in.
The workshops and series classes at Healthwise integrate mind-body education with practice so that you can “learn by doing.” Not only do we provide you with the necessary knowledge and skills, but our studio space allows for active learning (practice).
Our studio offers an opportunity for you to learn mind-body skills that can help you to better manage difficult emotions, ward off stress, calm your anxiety, tame your inner narrator and boost your mood.
As evidence-based practice is at the core of our services, our focus is on skill building that works. Our workshops will teach you what to do and how to do to it. You are supported and guided as you create the change you need.
Additional Services
Energy is everything. Learn more about the healing powers of Reiki.
Cultivate your calm. Learn more about healing your mind and body through meditation.
Our Workshops & Series Classes
Winter Yoga Therapy: Release Anxiety and Grief; Build Resilience through Breath
4-week Series Class (1-hour)
Join yoga therapist Mikki Johnson and learn to apply movement, breathwork & the Sūtra to your life in a way that helps you move forward.
The winter season draws our energy within and we are called to use this time to rejuvenate and rebuild. We can bring harmony back to the body by slowing down, giving room for reflection, and creating a state of ease with our relationship to change.
This series will include a lesson and a practice each night.
Investment: $140
Yoga Therapy for Mental Health: Lighten Your Mood and Increase your Calm
4- week Series Class (1 hour)
Join yoga therapist, Mikki Johnson in supporting your mind and body during the winter months. In the sister science to yoga (Ayurveda) winter is a kapha and vata dosha time of year and our energy is drawn within. To keep balance, we must use this time to rejuvenate and rebuild.
Learn to bring harmony back to the body by slowing down, giving room for reflection, and creating a state of ease with our relationship to change.
This series will include a lesson and a practice each night.
Investment: $140
Yoga Therapy: Awaken Strength and Stability while you lower Anxiety and Stress
4-week Series Class (1 hour)
Mornings can be the best time to practice as we move towards spring!
Incorporate this practice into your mornings to build strength and stability.
Spring provides new growth, let this class help you to strengthen yourself while lowering your anxiety and stress. When we move towards a stronger place by using the tools of Yoga, we can change how we navigate our world.
Start your week off with a practice you can do each morning to help you grow in a direction you want to go in. When we intentionally make an effort to start out day and week with a new outlook, it reminds us throughout our day to use the tools to make decisions that support us in responding vs. reacting in life.
Investment: $140
Deepen your Yoga Practice through Pranayama (breath work) and Yogasutra (movement)
4-week Series Class (1 hour)
Join yoga therapist, Mikki Johnson and learn to apply prānāyāma & the Sūtra to your life in a way that helps you move forward.
Spring brings rebirth, rejuvenation, & renewal. You can do the same by deepening your understanding of the Yogasūtras and putting that understanding into action.
Investment: $140
Energy Healing Yoga
Instructor: Shannon Whealy
Join us for this unique healing yoga practice that fuses Reiki Healing with Yin Yoga.
Registration: $40
Yoga Therapy for Mental Health, Anxiety, & Stress
Instructor: Mikki Johnson
Need to get out of the cycle of fight or flight?
Is anxiety & stress compromising your mental health and affecting how your body functions?
For some of us it is gastrointestinal issues, rapid heartbeat, poor sleep, shortness of breath, asthma flare ups, muscle tension, even panic attacks. Muscle tension can show up as pain in the jaw, neck, shoulders, back.
These symptoms tend to work against one another or in a cyclical manner while anxiety or stress increases, so does physical pain.
Yoga Therapy uses principles and techniques that have evolved over thousands of years. By way of these practices, you will begin to learn the tools to de-link from or reduce these negative cycles and create new positive patterns.
Through body, mind, breath, and meditation you will find you lower agitation in the mind, decrease pain, and increase your ability to move your mind in a chosen direction.
Cost: $140
Using the tools of Yoga Therapy to reduce the cycle of Anxiety, Stress, & Pain
Instructor: Mikki Johnson
Anxiety, stress & pain affects how our body functions.
For some of us it is gastrointestinal issues, rapid heartbeat, poor sleep, shortness of breath, asthma flare ups, muscle tension, even panic attacks. Muscle tension tends to show up as pain in the jaw, neck, shoulders, back.
These symptoms tend to work against one another or in a cyclical manner while anxiety or stress increases, so does physical pain.
Yoga Therapy uses principles and techniques that have evolved over thousands of years. By way of these practices, you will begin to learn the tools to de-link from or reduce these negative cycles and create new positive patterns.
Through body, mind, breath, and meditation you will find you lower agitation in the mind, decrease pain, and increase your ability to move your mind in a chosen direction.
Yoga leads to the cessation of the fluctuations of the mind.
Cost: $140
Yoga Therapy: Peace at the Heart of Chaos
Instructor: Mikki Johnson
Date & Time: TBD
Yoga therapy uses principles and techniques that have evolved over thousands of years to help with mental health, lowering anxiety and stress.
This workshop will help answer the question: What is the difference between yoga class and yoga therapy and how does this type of therapy help my mental health, anxiety and/or stress?
Each participant will learn the value of this self care tool and how to utilize it when needed.
Cost: $35
Be a Chakra Mechanic
Instructor: Nasa Mitchell
The chakra system is your inner engine to experience the world. Sometimes engines run too fast and other times they run too slow.
In this workshop we will learn specific yoga postures, breath techniques, mudras, mantras/ affirmations, and guided awareness meditations.
This soulful journey through 7 main chakras will bring you into more harmonious living.
Come join me to be a caretaker of your energetic Chakra engine.
Tuition includes a free take home Chakra guide.
Mindfulness for Kids (3-Class Series)
Instructor: Samantha Kevitt
Date: TBD
Does your child have trouble focusing on tasks, appear to do things mindlessly, struggle with anxiety, or have trouble following directions?
...even if your child doesn't seem to struggle with these issues a simple mindfulness practice fosters the well-being of every child and also:
- enhances your child's self-awareness
- improves emotional regulation
- increases cooperation
- fosters a more positive attitude
- builds relationship skills
In this 3-week series class your child will be taught the core practice of breathing, body awareness, sensory perception, strategies for calming, and techniques for focused attention. This class is for kids ages 6-11.
Cost: $30 per person

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