Relief from a traumatic event is possible


Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, also known as PTSD, is a mental health condition that's brought about by witnessing or experiencing a terrifying, scary, or unexpected event. The emotional aftermath of such an event can be as devastating as any physical damage, shattering a sense of security, and fostering feelings of vulnerability, helplessness, and numbness.

There is no right or wrong way to respond or feel after a traumatic event(s). Symptoms may include flashbacks (reliving the event), nightmares, frightening thoughts, severe anxiety, and uncontrollable thoughts about the event. There may be physical or behavioral symptoms that include anxiety, angry outbursts, sleep problems, loss of interest in activities you enjoy, and difficulty concentrating.

There are many strategies that can help you regain your emotional equilibrium. Whether the traumatic event happened years ago or yesterday, it is possible to heal and move on. Let our Healthwise team help.

Our PTSD therapies include:

For more information about counseling services for PTSD issues in Maple Grove, please contact us.
Looking for a therapist? Meet our team.


Innovative approach to healthcare

Our mind-body studio brings an innovative approach to healthcare. One that welcomes an exploration of other complimentary modalities for improving emotional health and well-being.

As we recognize that for some "getting out of our head" can be a challenge we also understand doing just that can help us to make that vital connection with ourselves. A connection that can often result in creating the real and deep changes we crave.

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Sometimes in the winds of change ~ we find our true direction.

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